13 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Photon Storm Blaster - Mod Guide!

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This Mod Guide will cover some performance mods for the Photon Storm Blaster.

Mods covered:
- Voltage Increase
- Trigger Activated Power On
- Flywheel Grip Improvement

Disclaimer: Modify at your own risk. Modifications may wear out or damage your blaster. Please be careful when using hobby tools!

:: Voltage Increase ::

As the Photon Storm is a flywheel based blaster, the faster the flywheel motors spin the faster foam darts get fired out, hence longer range and faster dart velocity.

To increase the speed of the motors, simply increase the voltage feed.

In my examples, i use 14500 size 3.7V Li-Ion Rechargeable Batteries (Brand: TrustFire / Unprotected versions) in my modded Photon Storms. The batteries can be sourced from specialist electronics stores.

14500 size 3.7V Li-Ion TrustFire rechargeable batteries are usually charged up to 4.2V, so i use 3 of them with dummy AA batteries in the remaining battery slots. This configuration provides 12.6 Volts of power to the Photon Storm's motors.

With 12.6 Volts of power, the Photon Storm's motors spin much faster and the start-up response time is also quicker.

I have also tested it with 4 x and 5 x fully charged unprotected TrustFire Li-Ion rechargeable batteries with a total of 16.8 Volts and 21 Volts respectively, the motors spin even faster but it seems to be too fast for the foam darts i used as they tend to spiral out of control or tumble in flight at those faster flywheel speeds. Modders will just have to test and see what speeds suit their foam darts.

Note that conventional Alkaline batteries have more limited discharge rates, and will therefore perform differently at the same voltage compared to these unprotected TrustFire Li-Ion batteries.

:: Trigger Activated Power On ::

Stock Photon Storms require their motors to be separately switched on, then constantly running to be able to fire.... so the motors will still be spinning even when its not firing anything.

This creates an annoying constant buzzing sound, along with the added power drain on the batteries too.

One way to solve this issue is by installing a pressure switch that is activated by the trigger pull instead.

Step 1: Open the casing and locate the the wiring that links the battery compartment and the motors.

You can choose either the red or black wire (i use the black wire). Simply cut that wire above where the tip of the "dart pusher"stalk is situated.

Get a push-to-on pressure switch that utilizes a flip/rocker action, you can source these from electronics parts supply shops.

Step 2: Solder the wiring to the push-to-on pressure switch (i added some electrical tape to further prevent the soldered connections from accidentally shorting).

Glue the pressure switch to the plastic shelf just above the "dart pusher" stalk.

Its done!

:: Flywheel Grip Improvement ::

As an optional mod, electrical or rubber tape can be wrapped around the flywheels to increase their grip for better contact with the foam darts. This can help improve performance if matched with the right foam darts.

The amount of tape layers required will depend on the foam darts used, so its up to modders to test and find the best combination of tape layers to apply.

Note that the tape needs to be applied evenly and in an equal amount (ie. both flywheels must have the exact same amount of tape material with no bumps), or else they may result in unbalanced flywheel speed and timing.

:: Modified Photon Storm - Demo Video ::

Here is a demo video for reference.

:: Sample Test Fire Data ::

PTG: Parallel-To-Ground (Shoulder height, no elevation)
ATG: Angled-To-Ground (Aimed higher, 30 degrees elevation)

Distance is measured at where the dart lands (Average of 12 darts).

Stock Photon Storm
PTG = 25 ft
ATG = 30 ft

Modded Photon Storm (12.6 Volts & Trigger Activated Power On)
PTG = 50 ft
ATG = 60 ft

Note that the tests were done under controlled conditions with custom calibrated foam darts. The results are sample estimates for reference (your results may differ depending on materials and mod techniques used).

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Internals Guide!

To contact us Click HERE
This guide will serve as a reference for the internals of the Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8.

For a detailed review of the Nerf Snapfire 8, click Here.
Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Outer Casing Removed

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Inner Casing Removed

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Inner Mechanism Assembly Removed

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Operational Inner Mechanism Assembly

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Inner Mechanism Casing Removed

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Speed/Power Tuning System

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Direct Plunger System

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Direct Plunger Internals

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Plunger Comparison to Nerf Nite Finder

Plunger Dimensions for Comparison

Nite Finder Plunger
Inner diameter (ID) = 2.4cm
Plunger draw = 4.5cm
Total effective air volume = 20.37 cubic cm

Snapfire 8 Plunger
Inner diameter (ID) = 3.2cm
Plunger draw = 2.5cm
Total effective air volume = 20.11 cubic cm
Overall, both plungers seem to have similar effective air volume displacement. :)



Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Inner Mechanism Assembly Removed (Retail Version / Black Casing)

Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 - Mod Guide!

To contact us Click HERE
This Mod Guide will cover some basic performance mods for the Nerf Snapfire 8.

Mods covered:
- Air Restrictor (AR) Removal
- Rotating Barrel Dart Post Removal

Note: The modding steps are similar to the Nerf Speedswarm Mod and Nerf Swarmfire Mod.

Disclaimer: Modify at your own risk. Modifications may wear out or damage your blaster. Please be careful when using hobby tools!

:: AR Removal ::

Step 1: Disassemble your Snapfire 8. Make sure to remove all the screws before detaching the casing layers. Remove the plunger tube.

Step 2: Look down the plunger tube, you will see the air restrictor assembly.

Step 3: Use a wire cutter and snip off the 4 support posts holding the air restrictor assembly, all the AR parts will fall out.

The ARs have been removed! Easy.

:: Rotating Barrel Dart Post Removal ::

This mod is for users who want to be able to use solid core or short length DIY foam darts (ie. stefans) or as a modding step before re-barrel mods.

Detach the rotating barrel from the casing.

Use a wire cutter to remove the dart posts.

Clean up all the debris and sharp edges, make sure the back of the turret is smooth and flat.

I've found the existing turret barrel fit and length ideal for the 3.25cm length customized stefans that i use.

Assemble everything... now you have a stefan compatible Snapfire 8!

With the stefans sitting inside the turret barrels, nothing is protruding out of the front, therefore its much easier to store or holster the Snapfire 8 in this configuration too. :)

:: Modified Nerf Snapfire 8 - Range Test Video ::

:: Sample Test Fire Data ::

PTG: Parallel-To-Ground (Shoulder height, no elevation)
Distance is measured at where the shot lands (Average of 8 shots).

Modded Snapfire 8 (AR Removal & Dart Post Removal)
Ammo: Customized foam + 1.1 gram soft silicone tip weight

"Speed" Mode Range = 35-40ft
"Power" Mode Range = 45-50ft

Note that the tests were done under controlled conditions with customized foam darts. The results are sample estimates for reference (your results may differ depending on materials and mod techniques used).

:: Side Notes ::

Additional plunger to turret seal improvements were not required as the Snapfire 8 uses a systemthat pushes the plunger against the turret during the firing process, thereby already creating an excellent turret seal.

In addition, i've not done any stronger aftermarket spring installations as i'm focusing on retaining the blaster's rate-of-fire and ease of use... and my trigger finger doesn't exactly have superhuman strength yet. :)